Refers to continuous, around-the-clock support provided to individuals who require constant assistance due to medical conditions, disabilities, or other complex needs. In this type of care, carers work in shifts to ensure someone is available at all times to address the individual’s needs, provide companionship, and manage any emergencies that may arise. It offers comprehensive, non-stop care to enhance the person’s quality of life and safety.

Personal and Support Services:

  • Assist and support with Bathing, washing, and showering.
  • Assist and support with Dressing and grooming
  • Help maintain good skin care and oral hygiene
  • Support with toileting and continence needs
  • Help with light housekeeping and cleaning chores
  • Help with feeding and drinking
  • Accompany clients to medical and health appointments, help clients make appointments where required
  • Assist and support in taking medications, making sure medications are available
  • Looking after clients’ nutritional and fluid needs: preparing, cooking, serving, and tidying away after meals and drinks, monitor weight monthly and raise any concerns as appropriate
  • Support with collecting shopping and medication
  • Support with paying bills, shopping list, shopping
  • Provide companionship
  • Handling personal possessions and documents
  • Support with mobilizing and transfers with appropriate walking aids and transfer equipment
  • Help in managing correspondence, finances and benefit claims, Direct Payments and Individualized Budgets  
  • Provide advice, advocacy and liaison
  • Help in establishing social contacts and activities
  • Help in establishing personal safety and security
  • Promoting and monitoring of health and well-being 
  • Support to access clubs, college, work placements and leisure facilities

Complex Care: We provide support for individual complex health conditions who want to remain in the comfort of their own homes while receiving the necessary support and attention to meet their specific needs.

  • Catheter care – changing bags, monitoring output and emptying bags
  • Assistance with eye or ear drops
  • Medication requirements and other health related activities

Help with the care of terminally ill clients

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