Offer is a short-term relief service designed to provide temporary support and rest for relatives and main caregivers to take a break, attend to personal matters, or simply recharge, while a trained skills carers steps in to care for their loved ones. Respite care can be planned or provided during emergencies while ensuring the well-being of the individual. receiving care.

Personal and Support Services:

  • Assist and support with Bathing, washing, and showering.
  • Assist and support with Dressing and grooming
  • Help maintain good skin care and oral hygiene
  • Support with toileting and continence needs
  • Help with light housekeeping and cleaning chores
  • Help with feeding and drinking
  • Accompany clients to medical and health appointments, help clients make appointments where required
  • Assist and support in taking medications, making sure medications are available
  • Looking after clients’ nutritional and fluid needs: preparing, cooking, serving, and tidying away after meals and drinks, monitor weight monthly and raise any concerns as appropriate
  • Support with collecting shopping and medication
  • Support with paying bills, shopping list, shopping
  • Provide companionship
  • Handling personal possessions and documents
  • Support with mobilizing and transfers with appropriate walking aids and transfer equipment
  • Help in managing correspondence, finances and benefit claims, Direct Payments and Individualized Budgets  
  • Provide advice, advocacy and liaison
  • Help in establishing social contacts and activities
  • Help in establishing personal safety and security
  • Promoting and monitoring of health and well-being 
  • Support to access clubs, college, work placements and leisure facilities

Complex Care: We provide support for individual complex health conditions who want to remain in the comfort of their own homes while receiving the necessary support and attention to meet their specific needs.

  • Catheter care – changing bags, monitoring output and emptying bags
  • Assistance with eye or ear drops
  • Medication requirements and other health related activities
  • Help with the care of terminally ill clients

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